TenSaiUmimon is the Brilliant and Smartest Sea Rabbit Digimon. the ultimate fusion of BakaKibomon and Angoramon. After Ruli has fallen by Isotopismon and Hiro's accident to BakaKibomon's Careless mistake. TenSaiUmimon has got the Supersonic bash from his giant gavel that unleashes the sonic sound that blows the enemy away.
His attacks are:.
Flashbulb: the ultimate flash the blinds IsoTopismon
Super gavel: One bash onto the pavement with the gavel and it releases the supersonic sound.
His antidote: The
Smart knock: One gentle knock on the head and it'll bring back the knowledge to the victims. till they return to normal.
TenSaiUmimon is the Brilliant and Smartest Sea Rabbit Digimon. the ultimate fusion of BakaKibomon and Angoramon. After Ruli has fallen by Isotopismon and Hiro's accident to BakaKibomon's Careless mistake. TenSaiUmimon has got the Supersonic bash from his giant gavel that unleashes the sonic sound that blows the enemy away.
His attacks are:.
Flashbulb: the ultimate flash the blinds IsoTopismon
Super gavel: One bash onto the pavement with the gavel and it releases the supersonic sound.
His antidote: The
Smart knock: One gentle knock on the head and it'll bring back the knowledge to the victims. till they return to normal.