The evil Mechanical Robot Dinosaur-type Digimon turns Humans' energy and Digimon energy into Isotopes by thrusting into the abdomen and fertilizing them with the Isotope crystal. Before Isotopismon flip the victim upside down and pull the Isotope crystal from the groin.
The only weak point of Isotopismon is the generator on its back.
It releases the supersonic sound that breaks away the generator of It releases the supersonic sound that breaks away the generator of Isotopismon before Bakakibomon saves them all.
His attacks are:.
Isotopic missile attack from his generator back
Intilia: the Isotope crystal egg fluid that fertilizes Human and Digimon Victims
And Alpha Claw beam.
The evil Mechanical Robot Dinosaur-type Digimon turns Humans' energy and Digimon energy into Isotopes by thrusting into the abdomen and fertilizing them with the Isotope crystal. Before Isotopismon flip the victim upside down and pull the Isotope crystal from the groin.
The only weak point of Isotopismon is the generator on its back.
It releases the supersonic sound that breaks away the generator of It releases the supersonic sound that breaks away the generator of Isotopismon before Bakakibomon saves them all.
His attacks are:.
Isotopic missile attack from his generator back
Intilia: the Isotope crystal egg fluid that fertilizes Human and Digimon Victims
And Alpha Claw beam.