Anudaggermon is the Heroic Anubis robotic dagger digimon of Police Pharoah digital world, His mission is to seek out for allies named Hiro and kiyoshiro to help Anudaggermon win against the evil digimon in Hirado.
He guards the treasure with his might and hope. his attacks are Static dagger, Typhoon blade, and for the antidote, Spiral wrap.
Anudaggermon is the Heroic Anubis robotic dagger digimon of Police Pharoah digital world, His mission is to seek out for allies named Hiro and kiyoshiro to help Anudaggermon win against the evil digimon in Hirado.
He guards the treasure with his might and hope. his attacks are Static dagger, Typhoon blade, and for the antidote, Spiral wrap.